Call Us: (218) 290-8618
CK Wetland Services has extensive environmental experience specializing in wetland delineations, permit applications, biological and botanical surveys, stream/WOUS assessments, functional assessments, habitat evaluations, wildlife surveys, invasive/noxious species surveys, threatened/endangered plant surveys, and tree inventories throughout the Midwest.
Wetland Assessments
CK Wetland Services staff can provide an on-site wetland evaluation of approximate wetland boundaries, type, and community characteristics. The boundaries are determined by hydric soils, vegetation, and hydrology. Suitable upland areas will be located to determine project feasibility in the pre-planning phase. This on-site visit is a preliminarily evaluation, before a delineation is needed.

Wetland Delineation
A wetland delineation may be required for projects that involve potential impacts on the waters of the United States (WOUS).
Our team will assess the wetlands through desktop review. Once assessed, our field team will complete an on-site delineation. At a delineation, personnel will use sub-foot GPS instrumentation to collect boundary points to provide accurate mapping of the wetland and upland boundaries. In addition, a wetland map and report will be provided for your planning and site design.
A wetland delineation includes:
A desktop review of maps to identify potential resource areas on site
An on-site visit to identify all wetlands and water resources
Wetland boundary flagging using survey-grade GPS
Wetland type classification
Photograph documentation
Wetland determination data form
Map figure set
Submission of report to Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) regulators
Permit Applications
CK Wetland Services develops permitting strategies appropriate for the size and scope of your project to avoid, minimize, and replace or mitigate impacts. Federal, state, and local programs require permits to complete certain activities in wetlands. Applicants must provide project information that includes a project purpose and need, alternatives analysis, impact minimization measures, and a mitigation plan.
We help prepare and submit application packages for clients applying for Section 404 permits, Section 401 Water Quality Certifications, and Isolated Wetland Permits. Additionally, we also specialize in a applicable wetland delineation concurrence, jurisdictional determination (JD), wetland exemption, no-loss determination, and wetland replacement plan applications.
We provide a detailed report of findings designed to satisfy all regulatory requirements and a digital map plan to supplement your engineering and planning objectives.

GIS Services
If an on-site delineation is not needed, a GIS desktop review can be preformed. Desktop reviews are conducted using aerial imagery and other data sources (including soils, hydrology, land cover, elevation, and wetland inventory).
The data from the desktop review provides clients with analysis for project reporting purposes and regulatory submissions.
Wetland Monitoring & Mitigation
We consult with clients to identify strategies to avoid and/or minimize construction impacts to wetlands and streams. If impacts are unavoidable, our staff is experienced in preparing permits and compensatory mitigation projects that satisfy requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
The permitting process may result in mitigation or post-construction wetland monitoring requirements. Monitoring, as specified in the WCA rules, involves a comparison of pre and post-constructed wetlands, an annual evaluation of hydrology and vegetation, and a determination of the extent of replacement wetland.

Tree Inventories
CK Wetland Services is experienced with tree identification throughout the Midwest. We provide tree inventories and assessments for projects requiring tree & shrub identification surveys. We can inspect the site with you, review your plans and identify unforeseen issues relating to tree preservation, hazards and replacements.
Other Services
Other services we provide include:
Watercourse Delineations and Hydrology Studies
WOUS Determinations
Wetland Inventory and Functional Assessments
Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys
Invasive and Noxious Weed Surveys
Local Governmental Unit Consulting Services
Hydric Soil Delineations
Regional Siting Assessments
Buildable Acreage Assessments
Critical Issues Analysis
Habitat and Vegetation Surveys
Forest Stand Delineation
USFWS Section 7 & 10 Permitting
Remote Sensing
GPS Data Collection
Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL) Survey's
Locating Property Corners and Boundaries